Beatrix Potter nightstand- $300

My most recent painting job- a Beatrix-Potter inspired nightstand (acrylic on pine). I worked on it for about 20 hours, but will not be complete until I can spar-varnish it in the spring. The picture does not show the small front drawer or the lower shelf- I intend to post a better photo at a later date.

This is a close-up of Peter Rabbit eating Mr. McGregor's carrots (upper left corner).

And this is a picture of little rodents hard at work in the garden (lower right).

The remaining two images are of Jeremy Fisher (lower left) and Mother Rabbit (of the Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter Rabbit family, upper right).


Stalin said...

I really like this one!

Will & Kate said...

This is adorable!!!!
keep up the posts! I love seeing your art! Also, we should get together sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

I love the table! Wow!

mirrored nightstand said...

That is awesome!